Dnes som našla veľmi peknú rozprávku o pozitívnom myslení – The Story of Two Seeds. Napadlo ma, že by to mohlo byť zaujímavé čítanie pre deti na hodinu angličtiny, preto som pre vás pripravila aj tlačenú verziu tejto rozprávky. Verím, že bude pre deti poučná a inšpiratívna. Však posúďte sami.
The Story of Two Seeds
Two seeds lay side by side
in the fertile soil.
The first seed said,
„I want to grow!
I want to send my roots
deep into the soil beneath
me, and thrust my sprouts
through the earth´s crust
above me…
… I want to unfurl my
tender buds like banners
to announce the arrival
of spring…
I want to fell the
warmth of the sun on
my face and the
blessing of the morning
dew on my petals!“
And so she grew…
On the other hand…
The second seed said,
If I send my roots into
the ground below, I
don´t know what I will
encounter in the dark.
… If I push my way
through the hard soil
above me I may
damage my delicate
… what if I let my
buds open and a snail
tries to eat them?
And if I were to open my
blossoms, a small child may
pull me from the ground.
No, it is much better for me
to wait until it is safe.“
And so she waited…
Then, one day…
A yard hen
scratching around in
the early spring ground
for food found the
waiting seed and
promptly ate it.
Moral of The Story:
will grow and prosper.
Those who think negatively and refuse to risk will get
swallowed up by life.